Environmentally friendly car wash
in the heart of Redondo Beach
Wash Packages
The Big Kahuna
$37.99 Full Service Car Wash, sealer wax, tri-foam polish wax, exclusive paint guard - protection, wheel clean, tire dressing, air freshener

The Longboard
$34.99 Full Service Car Wash, sealer wax, tri-foam polish wax, wheel clean, tire dressing, air freshener

The Beach Bum
$27.99 Full Service Wash (includes spot free rinse)

Beach Bum $50
The Longboard $60
Big Kahuna $65

The Scuba Dive
Complete Interior and Exterior Detail w/ FULL DETAIL - $389.99

The paddleboard
Complete Exterior Detail - $249.99

The Pier
Complete Exterior Detail - $249.99

The Bonfire
Interior & Exterior Mini Detail - $249.99

The Sandcastle
Interior Express - $99.99

The Shorerunner
Express Hand Wax - $99.99


Are you looking to raise some money for your school, charity, church or sports leagues?

Then have your next fundraiser with Redondo Car Wash!

We have a couple options for you.

Option 1:

We Provide car washes On-Site at Redondo Car Wash
617 Torrance Blvd, Redondo Beach, CA 90278

Your organization provides the energy, and Keep 20% of the net profits for the day!

We use biodegradable products and all of our water is recycled.

Option 2:

We also offer flexible options that allow your organization to sell our South Bay Local's Favorite Big Kahuna/ Full Service car wash tickets at Full Price and your organization keeps a portion of the profits.

Schedule a Free Fundraising Call with Us Today!

We'll meet with your organization, help design your event, and we'll personally deliver the wash cards!

of Fake CarWash Flyers